Thursday, June 7, 2007

My Story

My "Visitations"

Since so many have asked me about "MY" story, I thought I'd put it here.....I have been what you would call a life long abductee since the age of 4, in 1948.  As a child I was terrified of the dark, I saw 'things' and 'moving shadows'..I had dreams of being taken into strange rooms, and doctor's offices. It was because of my Father's interest in all things "UFO"...and my own 'dreams', I too developed a life-long interest in UFO's and Sci-Fi.  From the mid-sixties on, I began attending every UFO conference I could go to, I began interviewing abductee's to make some sense of the dreams I was still having. It wasn't until I had undergone hypnotic regression therapy that it all came flooding to the front of my mind, and I saw it all very clearly. I had been seeing "Grays" and "Shadow People" .  In the mid-70's, I was in a car accident, and after the x-rays, the doctors asked me when I had been shot.  I said, "Never", yet they insisted I had two distinct bullet wound scars that still had minute traces of metal deep within the on my neck, and one on my shoulder...(more on that later)...

     Now this is the part I don't usually tell too many people.  It was in the Summer of 1976. A man was standing in my front room, and I felt no fear what-so-ever...he is about my height, 6'3", trim, maybe 170 lbs. He had neatly trimmed fairly short hair, with a silver look to it. He calmly told me that he was here to answer some of my questions. When I asked him his name, he said the closest pronunciation he could come up with that I could pronounce was "Ralph". Now "Ralph" took me on many trips over the years...were they in my mind, or physical you ask....well, he would reach over and take my hand, and the next thing I knew we were some place else...walking down a long stainless steel type hallway, walking into a large cylindrical room with what looked like several large flat TV screens. Over the years, it has been on those screens that I have been 'introduced' to any number of 'alien' species. As it was explained to me, there are many different races living in many different 'realities'. Some races do indeed come from space, and have for centuries...some come from another time or place...other dimensions...some from our very own future, or possible future.  I have been shown many different possible futures for the human race.  The past is done with, and can not be altered, the future is yet to come, and some things can be changed.  Is "Ralph" a physical being?  Very much so...he has been seen coming and going by my friends, family and neighbors.  Even the doctors and nurses in the hospitals. It isn't as though he just pops into view...he will walk around a corner, or come through a door and be there.  When he first started visiting me, he was dressed in a sort of satin-like one piece jump suit, in a light shade of purple.  I told him he didn't fit in too well, and from then on, and to this day, he shows up in either 'Docker' type tan pants, and a light blue denim shirt, or he has even shown up in a very nice dark suit, as the occasion calls for. Over the years he has made it known that it was all right for me to interview most abductees....but there were some he flat out told me not to go and see. His explanations were no more vague then when I was approached by our own Govt. men and told to tone down my speeches that I was giving.

As the years have passed, the Govt. has concluded I am just another harmless old fool, and left me alone. But then, my health has kept me from traveling as much as I used to.  At one time I actually lived with an Amish family in their little community in Sterling, Kansas; to interview three generations in one family that had been and still were being, abducted.

Ralph also explained to me, that once the memory blocks had lifted, he was there to fill in the blanks andhelp me to understand my life.  As well as the implants that had been placed in me, and then removed, without my knowledge.  One was best explained as a DNA marker/tester...a way of following my DNA as I grew and developed...(This was explained to me as the reason why some people are 'taken' and some aren't. As advanced as his species may be, they can't just 'look' at someone and know if they have the type of DNA they are looking for) The other implant was not so much of a 'tracker' (altho it did that too ) but it also monitored the rest of my body's functions...heart, lungs, etc.

There is a need for a certain strain (or strains) of DNA to insure the best of several possible outcomes for the future in the dimension in which we now exist.  There ARE other species who have been here, and there are certain people in our very own Govt. who are, and have been, aware of most of them for years.

They don't all have our best interests at heart, but as yet, there has been no sign of some evil take-over of our entire planet.

I hope this answers some of your questions. If not, feel free to try and catch me in the chatroom...Life - UFO Openline friends or feel free to e-mail at

June 3rd, 2007

                                 "Dealing With Fear"

      I was recently asked "How frightening was it to have been abducted so many times?"  The best answer I can give is the 'not knowing' what was going on for many years is where the fear is centered the most.  I was afraid of the dark for many, many years, and even today, in a certain unknown environment, should it get dark, I can be very unnerved. Once I was able to remember what had happened in my childhood, and was, in fact, still happening, helped in a way to alleviate some or most of the fear. Fear of the unknown can be devastating.  But, I also believe, just as when I was first approached by the individual who would later become such an integral part of my life, as he has demonstrated over the years, there is a (for lack of a better word) 'telepathic' communication by which they are able to "send out" a sense of calm and lack of fear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How brave you are to share your experiences.  I have no doubt that it will allow many readers to accept senarios they have lived and tucked away in their minds.  It's like taking a mask off of the boogie man.  thank you